免责声明 任何有关投资理财医疗保险的内容,其内容不涉及任何投资建议和营销。使用或依赖本文的内容,风险完全由读者自行承担。投资有风险,包括可能损失投资本金。投资产品过往表现并不代表其未来表现。因此,采用任何投资策略之前,应就任何投资产品的适用性向持牌的财务顾问寻求建议。本网站中的任何预测、并不一定代表该产品的未来。提供的示例(如果有)仅用于说明目的。本网站尽最大努力进行分析,但不对此处提供的信息的准确性、可靠性、真实性或完整性负责。本网站及作者不对因使用和应用本网站上的任何想法、策略或技术而直接或间接产生的任何责任、损失或风险承担任何责任。配置保险产品是一个长期的投资,提早断保可能会导致本金损失。本文章/视频所有内容未经新加坡金融管理局审核。 The disclaimer Any content related to investment, finance, or medical insurance does not involve anyinvestment advice or marketing. The risk of using or relying on the content of this articleis entirely borne by the reader. investments are subject to risks, including the potentialloss of investment capital. Past performance of investment products does notnecessarily represent their future performance. Therefore, before adopting anyinvestment strategy, you should seek advice on the suitability of any investment productfrom a licensed financial adviser. Any forecasts on this website do not necessarilyrepresent the future of the product. Any examples provided, if any, are for illustrativepurposes only. This website makes every effort to analyze, but is not responsible for theaccuracy, reliability, truthfuness, or completeness of the information provided herein.This website and the author shall not be responsible for any liability, loss, or risk resultingdirectly or indirectly from the use or application of any ideas, strategies, or techniques onthis website. Choosing an insurance product is a long-term investment, and earlytermination of the policy may result in a loss of principal. This article/video has not beenreviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
目前就职于Financial Alliance,这是一家新加坡最大的独立理财机构,和超过150个供应商合作,包括各大银行,投资平台和保险公司。
Currently working as a independent financial consultant, dedicated to helping family, friends achieve financial freedom and customize personalized financial management services.
Currently working in Financial Alliance, the largest independent financial organization in Singapore that works with over 150 providers, including major banks, investment platforms and insurance companies.
To help client to select the most suitable and cost-effective products.
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