市面上有许多博客和YouTube视频在讨论CPF Life,但到目前为止,我还没看到有人真正深入计算其实际回报率。那么,让我来为大家解开这个迷团!你可能会对这个结果感到大吃一惊。
很多人误以为CPF Life的回报率是稳稳的4%,因为这是我们退休账户(Retirement Account, RA)的固定回报率。
让我们用一个具体的例子来分析。假设一位今年55岁的人,他的全额退休储蓄(Full Retirement Sum, FRS)为205,800新币。根据CPF Life的计算器,这个人预计(注意,是“预计”,而非“保证”)从65岁开始,每月领取1,650新币。
首先,我们需要知道这位个人在65岁时,也就是开始领取养老金前的RA余额是多少。已知现值(PV)= 205,800新币,年数(n)= 10年,利率(i)= 4%。
计算后,未来值(FV)= 304,634.27新币(65岁时的RA余额)。
接下来,按照CPF Life的规则,每年预计领取金额为19,800新币(1,650新币 × 12个月)。假设此人活到85岁,也就是多活20年,我们计算CPF Life的实际回报率:
已知现值(PV)= 304,634.27新币,年金(PMT)= 19,800新币,终值(FV)= 0新币(85岁时没有遗产),计算出的利率(I)仅为2.95%!
没错!不是4%,而且还不是保证的! 因为CPF Life的领取金额本身并非固定,而是可能受政策和其他因素的影响。
如果你幸运地活到100岁,CPF Life的回报率将飙升至令人心动的5.99%!这确实是一个非常吸引人的回报率。但老实说,我不太敢赌自己能活那么久。对大多数人来说,活到85岁可能是一个更现实的预期。
CPF Life对于那些能够活得非常长寿的人来说,绝对是一个不可多得的好选择;但对于那些寿命相对较短的人而言,回报可能就显得平平无奇了。
所以,你对CPF Life的真实回报率怎么看?它是否符合你的预期?欢迎留言分享你的看法!
Important: The information and opinions in this article are for general information purposes only. They should not be relied on as professional financial advice. Readers should seek independent financial advice that is customised to their specific financial objectives, situations & needs. This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
Working in the financial planning industry for more than six years, being humble and keeping myself up with the times enables me to be a good listener to understand the needs of clients and make the most reasonable recommendations for them. Protecting active income and establishing passive income can help client has the steady improvement of the quality of life while fighting against inflation.
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