CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER & REITs Specialist of an Independent Financial Advisory Firm
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Singapore REITs Advisory and Recommendation
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Investment Portfolio Review
Course: Building a Diversified REIT Portfolio for Passive Income




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I was on the search for an independent financial advisor and I came across Kenny from his webpage mystocksinvesting.com. After our introductory chat, I decided to engage him as my financial advisor. Working with Kenny has been an enlightening journey towards financial empowerment and security. From our very first meeting, Kenny took the time to delve deep into my financial aspirations and identified the retirement gaps. He came up with financial solutions and explained it thoroughly in order to clarify any doubts I have before proceeding with the transactions. I am immensely grateful for Kenny’s expertise, professionalism, and genuine care throughout our partnership. Without hesitation, I would highly recommend Kenny to anyone seeking a financial advisor who truly prioritizes their client’s financial well-being.

Andrea Lin

Senior Proposal Specialist, Asset and Wealth Management

I have followed Kenny’s Blog for REITs for many months and finally attended his course on REITS investment. I have gained much in knowledge and my REITs investment has grown. Thanks to Kenny’s willingness to share and advice. However, as my vocation does not allow me to monitor my REITs’ performance, I managed to have Kenny looking after my investment portfolio and also planning for my retirement. This is because I do not have the luxury of time to monitor my investment. I was so surprised and glad that the during the Circuit Breaker period the value of my investment portfolio did not shrink and steadily rise. He has anticipated the movement of the stock market and advised me to readjust my investment accordingly. Kenny is not the usual Financial Adviser that is always going out to please me. He will understand and listen to my needs and advise accordingly. He has the client’s interest at heart. This is truly professional. I am looking forward to meet him at of this year for the review of my portfolio.

Christopher Cheong


“I first got to know Mr Loh when he was running his courses on trading and REITS. I found him to be very knowledgeable and very willing to share what he learnt over the years. I must say the thing that impressed me the most was he kept things real, and never over promised any results, nor did he try to sell the participants any software or fixed methodology. In essence, he kept things real. Soon after, he obtained appropriate certifications, and with the trust that I built up with him, I asked him to be my financial advisor. He did a financial “check up” for me. There were some areas where I was found to be lacking, for e.g. estate planning/leaving a proper will, inadequate insurance cover and having an imbalanced financial portfolio. He guided me through everything step by step in a very detailed manner. I must say that I am more than satisfied with all help he has given me so far and would definitely recommend him to anyone who wants to take control of their own finances.

Dr Chew Yanxu


Thank you Kenny as I can sleep well now at 70 + with your word of wisdom last year to remain focussed on my Objective i.e. Dividends. I attended your First class on How to Pick Singapore Reits for Dividend Investing on 7 June 2013. I attended more classes since then as you generously allowed Re-sits FOC. In my and many cases, I noticed that you are a very kind person as you walk extra mile in helping people in need. This is a unique quality and extremely important as client can Trust you. For 7 years, I invested heavily and learnt from mistakes through your talks & personal touch. You are well-versed with solutions for the needs of all ages of people with different compulsions. Your continuous thirst of gaining superior level of knowledge through obtaining high level Certifications and their applications with the clients, places you now in a unique position as “Reits Specialist”. Well Done, Kenny! And Keep up the Excellent Work.

Yash Gupta


I first got to know Kenny through his REITS workshop (and later the Financial Planning workshop). Kenny comes across as knowledgeable and practical, yet helpful and humble. It was of little surprise that Kenny became a natural choice to provide more personalized and structured financial planning advice upon his career change as a licensed financial planner. Kenny played a big part in instilling discipline on my financial planning. Otherwise, the everyday work and family commitments would have easily distracted oneself from structuring, reviewing and implementing one’s journey towards retirement. His bottom-up approach helps one focus first on personal analysis of one’s financial health before focusing on budgeting for insurance coverage and investment needs. His expertise also extends to estate planning and wills preparation to provide more front-to-back advice to clients. Being an independent adviser gives me more comfort of objective advice and no “hard-sell”, and Kenny is open to bounce off my ideas against his to come up with a more tailored approach. As Kenny is also an active investor/trader and well-regarded by his students, this gives him an observable edge in this industry where clients in this Internet agent are getting increasingly savvy and are looking for advisers who genuinely have the clients interests at heart instead of product churning. Kenny’s participation in IBF as a certified trainer is certainly a positive step and testament to his passion in this industry and towards enhancing financial literacy. He has my fullest support and look forward to his continued career development and goals towards being a leading financial adviser.

Chris Chia

Legal Counsel

Kenny has been my financial advisor for two years now. He has helped me construct three portfolios: a REIT, a more aggressive growth Unit Trust and a SRS portfolio to help my retirement income planning. In addition, he has introduced me to other investment vehicles which I would not have accessed by myself as a retail investor. As a busy professional, I have not had the time, knowledge or confidence to construct these portfolios myself and I therefore appreciate his insights, providing me a clear plan and professional help to help me achieve my financial goals.

Dr Paul Mok

Medical Specialist

Hello Kenny, I have been working in financial institutions for my whole working carrer. but I still have very Iittle financial knowledge. For the past 20 years, I have been investing blindly or I should say ‘gambling’, mainly through banks and insurance products. A few years back, I noticed my money is not growing even after working for more than 20 years. I started to worry for my retirement and my kids’ tertiary education funds. So, I decided to find out more about Investments and attended venous courses. Thanks to Garrick, I attended your REITS course 3 years back, and many more after that. Your course fees were affordable and notes are easy to understand. Not many technical jargons and you gave real examples to elaborate your points. You continue to share your knowledge after the lessons and encourage me to take small steps to improve my investments skills and knowledge. Now, I am getting more confident and do not panic when the market gets a little volatile. From a trainer, we became friends and now, you are also my portfolio adviser. Thanks for taking time to help consolidate all the different spreadsheets, insurance policies and documents that I have thrown to you. The investment portfolio that you have proposed is suitable for me and I have accepted it immediately. It is a balanced one, not too aggressive for a conservative investor like me. I have finaIly written my will after so many years of procrastination, thanks for pushing rne Now, I have a peace of mind wherever I go. I have also stepped out of my comfort zone and started working on my backup plan. It is also something that I have been wanting to do, to start contributing to the society in my retirement years. Regards, Jocelyn

Jocelyn Goh

Technology Delivery Manager (Local Singapore Bank)

“I’ve been searching for the better part of 15 years for a dependable investing guru. Kenny is that person. He explains things in simple terms and has both a knack and a passion for investing. I’ve taken several course from Kennyand after each one I was able to return home and immediately improve my investing strategy (in most cases drastically). Kenny doesn’t just hand out tips, he teaches how to fundamentally examine the market and make great trades. I just finished my last course with Kenny, and the amount of money I’ve made or saved as a result of his tutelage dwarfs the amount spent in course fees by a factor of about 10. I can’t wait to learn more from Kenny!”

Jim Patterson

Legal Counsel

Kenny Reits course is an excellent course for both new to reits or for those who has already been investing in reits. For the beginners its a one stop place to learn A to Z about reits and make one understand everything from basics to picking the right reits to invest, both entry n exits. For those experienced ones, the tools are splendid, comprehensively help one to cut down analysis time and effort. The support too is priceless as it cut down learning curve drastically and it make our analysing quick and spot on. The support information and material in fb and email is very up to date and the neccessary information required to make our investment comprehensive. The private consultation is highly commendable to cover questions or doubts and customise to individual needs. Kenny is knowledgeable and very helpful to share selfishly all he knows. I have been recommending to friends whom i know need this. My testimonial from my heart. Very great course not to be missed!

WM Lee

Aug 17 Batch

After attending Kenny’s classes, we sought his help to guide us in a private portfolio review. His approach was relaxed, patient and supportive as he steered us beginners through the intricacies of stock analysis. He also gave us many clear and useful pointers to follow up on our own after the session. Kenny’s competent, insightful and pragmatic guidance enabled us to escape significant losses just in time. We are grateful for the very helpful tuition he provides.

Koh’s Family

I was introduced to Kennys REITs course by a friend and having attended it, I found the content to be very comprehensive and clear. However, I did not have the time to monitor markets and hence decided to engage Kenny’s REIT advisory service. Kenny clearly explained how a REIT portfolio fits within a larger diversified portfolio of investments. Alter an assessment of my risk profile and clarifiying my financial goals, he helped construct a REIT portfolio with a base core holding of selected REITs to be held for the longer term (for yield) with a satellite portfolio of tactically selected REITs to take advantage of market opportunities. He then advises me when to make the purchases and the target price to buy. So far, the performance of the portfolio has been great and in line with expectations after the course. I would definitely recommend the REIT advisory service to people who have attended Kenny’s REIT course but lack either the time to monitor the markets or the confidence and experience to build and implement a Singapore REIT portfolio .

Chua Hock Chiang

Director, Commerce Online P. Ltd

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Loh Kok Keong Kenny

MAS REP No.: LKK300389588

Wealth Advisory Director

CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER & REITs Specialist of an Independent Financial Advisory Firm
Arrange for a non-obligatory one-to-one free consultation here!
  • Performance fee-based Wealth Management
  • Private Wealth Management
  • Risk Management & Insurance Planning
  • Investment Planning
  • Retirement Planning
  • Estate Planning
  • Legacy Planning
  • REIT Specialist
  • Private Investment Portfolio Review


Financial Alliance Quality Class (Eminence Class)
Top New AUA Award (3rd Runner-up)

Financial Alliance Quality Class (Eminence Class)
Top New AUA Award (4th Runner-up)


Financial Alliance Quality Class (Eminence Class)
Top New AUA Award (1st Runner-up)


Financial Alliance Quality Class (Eminence Class)
Top New AUA Award (Champion)


Financial Alliance Quality Class (Eminence Class)
Top New AUA Award (2nd Runner-up)


Financial Alliance Quality Class (Merit Class)
Top New Unit Trusts Award (2nd Runner-up)
Best Practice Consultant Award
Rookie Consultant of the Year Award


Educational Qualifications

Executive MBA
Master of Science (Electrical Engineering)
Bachelor in Engineering (Electrical Engineering)


Professional Qualifications

Certified Financial Planner (CFP®)
Associate Estate Planning Practitioner (AEPP®)
The Institute of Banking & Finance Singapore Advanced (IBFA)
Certified Islamic Wealth Adviser

WSQ Advanced Certificate in Learning and Performance (ACLP)



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CNA’s Money Mind: ETFs vs Mutual Funds
Similarities and Difference between ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) and Mutual Fund (or Unit Trust) 🏦 ...
Building a Secure Retirement: 6 Reasons to Consider REITs in Singapore
Investment Challenges and Dilemmas for Financial Professionals in Singapore
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新加坡股市在2022年相对来说是一个投资者的避风港, Kenny Loh, CFP® AEPP® IBFA MBA为你分析为什...
4 Disastrous Estate Planning Mistakes for Business Owners
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3 Common Estate Planning Mistakes in Personal Investment
Photo: Bob Carlson’s Retirement Watch   Estate Planning is a complex topic as it invol...
4 Pains of Investing in REITs, and How to Get Rid of Them
4 Pains of Investing in REITs, and How to Get Rid of Them  Blog, Investment Planning Contrib...

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Non-advisory Products - Life Insurance

For those comfortable managing their own insurance needs, these are some options to purchase life insurance products without the assistance of an advisor. While this provides autonomy, it’s important to note that individuals are responsible for comprehending the policy details and managing any claims processes independently.

Insurance Plan