您好,我是洪娜Hongna,是新加坡最大独立理财顾问公司Financial Alliance鑫盟理财的资深理财顾问,拥有6年+的行业经验。
从开始的AIA单一保险公司转换到现在的独立理财顾问公司,始终保持以客户为中心,中立,客观的为客户进行财务规划。在基本医疗保险申请索赔和教育,养老规划上有经验。 希望成为您家庭财务的急救工具箱,事先准备好工具(规划方案),并在需要的时候能够快速地,正确地使用工具。
CFP®️ Certified Financial Planner
Hello, I am Hongna, a senior financial advisor at Financial Alliance, the largest IFA firm in Singapore, with over 6 years of industry experience.
Specialized in offering comprehensive financial protection services for professionals and families, dedicated to helping clients build secure insurance systems and financial plans for themselves and their loved ones. My goal is to become a trusted financial advisor, especially for Chinese individuals and new immigrants in Singapore.
Feel free to connect with me; I look forward to being your trusted partner in financial protection and planning.
Take control of your insurance by exploring our self-service options, offering autonomy and flexibility for knowledgeable individuals.
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根据《个人数据保护法》,鑫盟理财私人有限公司征求您的同意向您收集并使用您的个人信息。鑫盟理财将根据公司的个人数据保护政策所阐述的用途使用您的个人资料(例如姓名,证件号码,联系电话,邮寄地址,电邮地址和照片)。 该政策可在本公司网站上查寻,网址为 https://fa.com.sg/data-protection-policy/.
By submitting this form, you are deemed to have read and understood FAPL’s Personal Data Policy.
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For those comfortable managing their own insurance needs, these are some options to purchase insurance products without the assistance of an advisor. While this provides autonomy, it’s important to note that individuals are responsible for comprehending the policy details and managing any claims processes independently.