Travel to Tasmania, Australia

This blog was to record the events that happened during our trip to Tasmania. This was the first time we visited Tasmania and at that point of time, my wife was about 5 months pregnant therefore our itinerary will be more towards scenic. The flight from Melbourne Airport to Hobart International Airport was about 1 hr and 30 mins with about 600 Km apart. After we touch down, first on our mind was to collect our rented vehicle which we booked from Picking up the vehicle was a breeze as it’s within the airport and was park nearby. We choose to pick up from Hobart and to return in Launceston Airport as we will be heading back to Melbourne thereafter. Thing to take note when renting vehicle was that Australia was left hand driving and read through your rental agreement on the insurance and waiver section. We had these included as we heard incidents of roadkill during the trip.


Travel to Tasmania, Australia — Engage

Bay Hotel Apartment Hobart Next, go proceed to Bay Hotel Apartments, Hobart to check in. This was a decent apartment stay as we can park directly outside our room which was very convenient. Harbour Lights Café Our first location for lunch was this café. But before that, driving around Hobart feels like driving in the CBD on a Sunday morning. Road are spacious but I met my first issue with this road sign as I am looking for parking. The parking was parallel but the sign I am not familiar with it because it pointed there but I am parking here! so trying to ask around but don’t seem to have a lot of people drive also. So…. I utilise one of the core values that I learnt, whatever you do, don’t get caught. After so long hours of flight, finally a fresh grinded brew coffee was so much that I needed. Pizza was good as well.

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Mount Wellington We initially thought that this was just a normal up hill drive but as we drove higher and higher, the road started to get wet and water start to flow down. There are people stop by to fill up water into the container but I am not sure if its spring water! Then we carry on the drive to the peak, we were amazed by the pitch of white SNOW. How could it be snowing as we didn’t expect to see it during our trip. The wind was also very strong near to the edge seriously! I am worried that I might be flying fox if I jump with my arms open! The journey up was about 30 mins.

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Day 2 Richmond Bridge This was about 30 minutes drive and I got to know this place during my itinerary research. Driving in to another town, walking by the bridge slowing down your tempo.

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Eaglehawk Neck Tessellated Pavement We drive about an hour and stop by Tessellated Pavement near by Eaglehawk Neck. This is one of the attractions where you are able to take beautiful sunset photo. Its about 5 minutes walk from the carpark.

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Blow Hole Moving on to Blow Hole which is also nearby, slowly walking and enjoy the scenery. It calm when we reached but when we are about to leave, strong wind brought the waves to hit onto the rocks creating some splashes Tasmanian Devil Unzoo   This attraction was one of our most looking forward stop. Finding the legendary Tasmanian devil!

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Totally different from the one I know! We are glad that we arrived on time for their feeding session. These are active hunter but population been declining rapidly.

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Other than devil, there are other animals in this sanctuary

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Port Arthur Lavender Finally our last stop for the day will be this lavender farm. The time that we visit was not the season for lavender therefore not a lot of lavender was aveilable. This attraction has a view area where you are able to see how lavender being process and a café.

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Day 3 Harbour Light Cafe Today will be our last day Hobart however there are few places to visit therefore we wake up very early. We went back to Harbour Light café for breakfast

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The food was so good that I forgotten to log down then name of the dishes! Gordon Dam This was my most memorable location of interest. The time I spend to go up to the dam was about 5 hours and I have not been stopping! Full 5 hours I have been driving and I clock about 300KM to reach the Dam. We set off with our luggages and was happily driving towards our destination. We passby New Norfolk, passing through the gas station and our gas was in a healthy position so I thought we will top up the gasoline at the foot of the dam as Google map indicate that there as few station ahead. When we reach the gas station, we was told that there is no gas in the station for us to top up. Then I look at the fuel gauge, it shows about half tank so weI will have to make a decision to press on with it or to find other station to top up. So I decided to press on with the half tank, going in fast and out fast. But as I travel for about 10 mins, I somehow start to worry about all the what-if will happen then stranded along the way or being rob or worst no help available. Immediately, I make a roundabout turn to find gasoline. To my surprise, there is no gasoline available nearby after I search few station then I decided to travel back to New Norfolk to top up which was 1 hour journey due to detour. I am so happy when my tank was filled to the brim and we travelled for another 2 hours which passing through those station and finally reach Gordon Dam. Seriously, if i insisted to drive up with half tank, then I may be trapped along the way as there isnt any vehicle passing there. This was the first time that I visited a dam and I am attracted to the panoramic view with the placid water.

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After so much delay, we are very late for our next destination. We had a quick bite and rushing down to our stay for the night at Launceston. The trip to Launceston took us about 2 hours. We set off in that day and reach there at the night, the road towards Launceston was smooth as there are very few vehicle travelling. This 2 hours was the most tiring 2 hours as I am driving whole day and when the sunset to dark, I need to condition myself to suit the night. If I remember correctly, the road was two lane by two lane up and down with some gaps in the middle for separation. There isnt at road lamp or street lights so you only see your vehicle headlight. My first instinct will be if there will be any animal that may dash out onto the road so we did not travel very fast. I still remember that there was some roadwork and then after I avoiding it, I am lost on which lane I am in. ITS SO DANGEROUS.! Advise to avoid travelling at night when you are not familiar with road. Launceston The Cornwall Historic Hotel As its dark, too tired and too late so we did not take photo of the hotel. Parking will be around the corner, quite dark so ladies may need escort if you are booking there. There is an ancient lift in the hotel to transport of luggages. Overall, the hotel looks nice. Day 4 Melita Honey Farm   If I am not wrong, no photography was allowed. This place was so much better than the one I visited in Gold Coast. It has a lot of different type of honey, manuka and ice cream!. We tasted almost all the honey for free on your own and there was beehive in transparent cover for us to see how hardworking they were. We bought a lot of manuka and different flavour which rare seen in Sinagapore. Travel to Tasmania, Australia — Engage Travel to Tasmania, Australia — Engage Travel to Tasmania, Australia — Engage

We did not really plan the itinerary for Launceston so we try to connect the dot on the map. Just behind the honey farm, we stop by for some photograph taking. The views was so majestic, far away from the city, so laid back.

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The Forager Food Co   As we are connecting the dots, we came into this company. There wasn’t much to visit but it was selling freeze dry food, so we thought its new and we bought a lot of the dry fruits to bring back Singapore. 41 South Tasmania We literally came over to have some like snack. This was a salmon farm with a café. It also sells spices and ginseng. There was optional paid tour but we did not opt for it so we ordered some food and try on the salmon and spices.

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Ashgrove Cheese Dairy Door

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My memories for this place were that, there was a lot of cheese to choose from. We tried some and bought some. We did not stay long at each destination as there were other places that we like to visit. Star of Siam   After the visiting, we did some shopping in the department store and we used tripadvisor to look for food recommendation. Star of Siam review was fairly high rate thus we went for it. The food was good, Tom Yam was hot, spicy and flavourful, the stir fried was good as well. Having a hot and spicy soup on a cold night, it was excellent! It literally warm out stomach, walking out a happy man!.

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Day 5 Bridestowe Lavender Estate   We were so excited to visit the Lavender Farm as we never have the opportunity to visit it previously. Upon reaching, we were so disappointed as this was not the season for lavender bloom. Few months ago, its been harvested. So please research before visiting. Nevertheless, this estate had its merchandising and café operation. We managed to try on the lavender ice cream and latte.

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Table Cape Lookout   We drove towards this lighthouse and lookout area for some scenic views. These places do not really have much visitors when we were there. There was an area where different flowers was planted however same as the lavender farm, its harvested recently.

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Wynyard Seafoods on the Wharf   We stop by this place for dinner as we found it as one of the high reviewed place.  The place was nearby the wharf and as its near sunset, it has a very beautiful view. East Wynyard Beach After dinner, we stopped by a bar to have some light refreshment. It’s a great place to relax. While Ii am crunching my thirst, the spectacular view of the sunset caught my eyes. Even though I sailed for several years but I don’t remember that I seen pinky violet sunset over the horizon. I missed to capture that moment as the sunset was pretty fast or rather I swallow it too slow.

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Day 6 Today will be the last day in Tasmania, we will be heading to Sydney after this. Cataract Gorge Reserve We happened to discover this place while using Tripadvisor, so we head over before our flight. There was a designated parking area and its not very crowded. We walk for about 20 minutes before heading off to explore other part of Launceston.

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We drive around the area of Upton Street going up the sloppy road. The view was spectacular. Then we discover rows of neatly plant tree which I thought it looks like Sakura. Its so beautiful to see pink among the greens!

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We also explore the University of Tasmania, Invermay Campus but we did not take a lot of photo of the campus.

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We head to The Pasta Merchant for lunch. We found the menu interesting so we try on the food.

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After lunch, we return the rented vehicle and board the flight to Sydney!

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We enjoyed the days spent in Tasmania as the weather was cool, people were all very friendly. This was a place that we slowed down our footsteps and enjoying ourself being surrounded by the mother of nature. Our only regret was that we did not done enough research as we miss out the information with regards to southern lights. Next visit, will definitely schedule to see the Aurora Australis.

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Published By:

Elvin Huang 黄暐硧

I am Elvin Huang. Financial Advisory Manager, boasting over 10 years of invaluable experience. Specializing in guiding young professionals and parents towards early retirement, my expertise lies in simplifying intricate financial matters. From budgeting and investments to insurance and retirement planning, I bring a wealth of knowledge to tailor personalized strategies.

In recognition of the critical role in long-term financial security, I prioritize Will and Trust planning. These components not only protect assets but also ensure a well-considered legacy for future generations.

My client-centric approach is built on education, aiming to empower individuals to make informed financial decisions. I foster open communication to establish enduring relationships based on trust and transparency. Beyond the pursuit of numbers, I am committed to being a supportive partner throughout your financial journey.

Embark on a path to early retirement with confidence, as we navigate the financial landscape together. With a focus on simplicity, security, and a personalized touch, let’s make your dream of early retirement a tangible and achievable reality.


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