Apakah Anda baru di Singapura dan belum pernah mendengar tentang Skema Pensiun Tambahan (SRS)? Jangan lewatkan manfaat pengurangan pajak penghasilan dari SRS!
Pemerintah Singapura telah memperkenalkan Skema Pensiun Tambahan untuk mendorong pembayar pajak menabung untuk dana pensiun tambahan sukarela. Salah satu keuntungannya adalah pengurangan penghasilan kena pajak dengan menabung sejumlah uang tahunan yang fleksibel ke rekening SRS Anda.
Membuat rekening SRS mempunyai efek pengurangan pajak penghasilan. Karena rekening ini dapat digunakan untuk berinvestasi pada tabungan, saham, dana, obligasi, dll., rekening ini juga menarik bagi ekspatriat.
Kontribusi pajak penghasilan dipotong pajak hingga jumlah tertentu setiap tahun, dengan batas kontribusi maksimum ditetapkan sebesar S$15.300 untuk warga negara Singapura dan pemegang izin tinggal(Permanent Residents). Orang asing, dengan atau tanpa izin tinggal, dapat memberikan kontribusi tahunan hingga S$35,700.
Singapura menerapkan sistem pajak progresif yang berarti pemegang rekening SRS dapat mengurangi penghasilan kena pajaknya.
Untuk gambaran lengkap mengenai tarif pajak penghasilan dan tarif pemotongan pajak di Singapura, silakan baca di sini.
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Important: The information and opinions in this article are for general information purposes only. They should not be relied on as professional financial advice. Readers should seek independent financial advice that is customised to their specific financial objectives, situations & needs. This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
Fendy hails from a family who value entrepreneurship, where he understands that ones’ finance is ones’ responsibility. He follow suit after leaving his decade-long career in construction industry, becoming a Financial Advisor, an Entrepreneur and a Content Creator.
Prior to joining this career, Fendy had lost his Mom and Dad to Cancer and Heart Attack, respectively. Having a first hand experience on how devastating that was financially and emotionally, his main goal is to “Leave no Life Unprotected”
With his creative traits and his warm personality, rest assured that your needs always comes first at the best possible way. No doubts on the level of advices and services delivered as testified by his clienteles.
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