CPF(中央公积金)是新加坡社会保障体系的关键支柱。其中一个重要的组成部分是CPF LIFE(公积金终身入息计划)。CPF LIFE作为一项全民长寿保险年金计划,与其他以财富增值为主要目的的投资计划不同,它旨在为新加坡公民和永久居民,提供长达终身的每月退休收入,用于应对“有可能因为长寿而面临储蓄不足”的财务风险。
当年满55 岁时
退休账户(RA)会自动设立。无论你选择基本退休存款 (BRS)、全额退休存款 (FRS),还是超额退休存款 (ERS),公积金普通账户 (OA) 和特别账户 (SA) 中的资金都会自动转移到退休账户(RA)中。那么超出所需退休存款的那部分资金,你可以选择提取,或者继续保留在你的公积金账户中。这里需要提醒的是,从 2025 年初开始,当年满 55 岁时,特别账户 (SA) 将被自动关闭,原先账户内的金额,在扣除转入退休账户(RA)的金额后,如果还有剩余的资金,将自动转入普通账户 (OA)账户。
当55 岁至 65 岁期间
退休账户(RA)中的资金将会获得利息并增值。无论你之前选择的是基本退休存款 (BRS)、全额退休存款 (FRS),还是超额退休存款 (ERS),退休账户(RA)所产生的利息,都将继续存入你的退休账户(RA)。
每年,超额退休存款 (ERS) 的金额,都会根据逐年增加的基本退休存款(BRS)金额而变动。如果你在 55 岁之后继续工作并缴纳公积金,你可以选择继续向退休账户(RA)存钱,以满足当年新的超额退休存款 (ERS)。退休账户(RA)中允许存放的最高金额,是当年的超额退休存款 (ERS)金额,但是这个金额不包括所产生的利息。因此,由于退休账户(RA)中产生的利息,可能高于超额退休存款 (ERS)的年度增长金额,你有可能以高于当前超额退休存款 (ERS)的金额,加入终身入息计划 (CPF LIFE)。
在退休入息计划开始之后,每年退休账户(RA)获得的利息分配,取决于你选择的退休入息计划类型 – 标准计划(Standard Plan),基本计划(Basic Plan)或者递增计划(Escalating Plan)。如果你选择的标准计划(Standard Plan)或者是递增计划(Escalating Plan),每年的账户利息将汇总到CPF LIFE终身入息计划的公共基金中。
第二问:我在 65 岁时,是否可以从退休账户 (RA) 中提取资金,提取金额有何限制?
回答:是的,如果你的退休账户 (RA) 余额尚未达到全额退休存款 (FRS) 的要求,你可以提取退休账户 (RA)金额的20%(需要扣除你在 55 岁之后的5,000 元额度)。
在你开始领取每月退休收入之前,你必须告诉公积金局你想要选择的终身入息计划 (CPF LIFE) 类型。之后,你当前退休账户 (RA) 中的资金将用于缴纳,你的终身入息计划 (CPF LIFE) 的保费,而你的每月退休收入是由你的退休账户 (RA) 的总额决定。终身入息计划 (CPF LIFE) 的每月退休收入没有限额,但加入终身入息计划 (CPF LIFE) 的保费金额,是有最高限额的,也就是超额退休存款 (ERS)金额。
第三问:假设两位同龄人都在 65 岁时,选择了相同的的终身入息计划 (CPF LIFE)。X 先生在55 岁时的退休账户 (RA) 中的金额,已达到超额退休存款 (ERS)额度,且十年间产生的利息,也一直都保留在退休账户 (RA) 账户中。而 Y 先生直到 65 岁时才达到超额退休存款 (ERS)金额,因此他的退休账户 (RA) 账户金额明显少于 X 先生。请问,他们每月领取的退休收入是否一样?
回答:X 先生将获得更高的每月退休收入。因为他加入终身入息计划 (CPF Life) 时的退休账户 (RA) 余额更高。
Important: The information and opinions in this article are for general information purposes only. They should not be relied on as professional financial advice. Readers should seek independent financial advice that is customised to their specific financial objectives, situations & needs. This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
“对我来说,‘成为’不是单纯地到达某个目的地或者实现某个目标。我更把它看作是一种不断前进的成长方式,一种持续追求更好自我的过程。这段旅程没有终点。” – 米歇尔 奥巴马 《成为》
“For me, becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.” – Michelle Obama <Becoming>
关于我 About Me
LOOKING BACK at over 20 years of my work experience, each phase has been incredibly valuable and shaped who I am today. The insurance and financial planning industry is the one I’ve worked in the longest. During my ten years at AIA Singapore, I struggled through the first three years as a newcomer, facing countless rejections during cold calls and roadshows, with sweat and tears. My perseverance earned the trust and support of my clients. Every signed document represents a long-term commitment, motivating me to keep moving forward.
IN APRIL 2023, I obtained the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) certification, and in December, I left AIA Singapore to join Financial Alliance, Singapore’s largest independent financial advisory firm, becoming an independent financial advisor representative. This decision was driven by my desire to use my decade of experience to help more people on a larger platform. An independent financial advisory firm offers a broader range of insurance and investment partnerships, allowing me to provide more neutral and comprehensive financial planning solutions, aligning with my long-term career vision. I understand that the path of an independent financial advisor requires more effort initially, and I am ready to embrace this challenge and strive for it for a lifetime.
AS A CAREER WOMAN AND ALSO A MOTHER OF TWO CHILDREN, I understand that every woman’s “superpower” comes from wholehearted dedication to both her work and her family. I specially hope to provide my greatest help and support to career woman and mothers, and to share the unique joys and sorrows of lives with each others. I also hope that through my decade of practical experience in financial planning, I can help career woman and mothers achieve their personal and family financial goals. Financial goals are not about their size but about starting and enjoying this healthy and joyful financial planning journey as early as possible.
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