Important: The information and opinions in this article are for general information purposes only. They should not be relied on as professional financial advice. Readers should seek independent financial advice that is customised to their specific financial objectives, situations & needs. This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
非常荣幸,您来到我的个人网页。我是Olivia 李文君。2008年来到新加坡做为一个全额奖学金的学生,在新加坡最大公立医院ICU工作7年后,转行理财行业。入行之后我不断的去提升自己,结合自己的医疗背景,为客户转移潜在风险,精准配置。并且帮助客户做财务增值规划,让未来不确定的人生中有一份安心。非常尽心尽力的去服务我的每一位客户,不论您是刚毕业的年轻人,还是身价上亿的老总。希望我可以成为您在新加坡理财规划中的一个值得信赖的资源人士,为您货比三家,优中选优,在超过150家金融合作伙伴的产品中,配置最适合您的理财规划方案。
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