In today’s fast-paced world, managing your finances can feel like juggling a hundred things at once. Between work, family, and personal goals, who really has time to chase down emails and log into portals just to pay an insurance premium?
Here’s why switching to GIRO could be the easiest way to keep your insurance payments stress-free and on time:
1️⃣ No More Missed Payments – That once-a-year letter in the mailbox has become a thing of the past. Now, everything is online, but we all know how easy it is to miss that one important notice hiding among a mountain of emails. Unless you’re regularly logging in, that crucial email might slip through the cracks. A single missed payment could lead to a temporary lapse in coverage. GIRO ensures you’re always protected without the worry.
2️⃣ Advisors Aren’t Superhuman: While most advisors would try their best to keep you on track, life happens and they aren’t immune to life’s curveballs. There could be situation keeping them away from work at times. Additionally, some insurers only trigger a notice to advisors on the 2nd notice – this means that you would have less time to act if a payment was missed.
3️⃣ Stay Scam-Safe – With the rise of sophisticated scams, clicking through SMS payment links—even legit ones—feels risky. GIRO cuts out the need to click anything, keeping you safe from potential scams.
Life’s too short to be constantly worrying about your insurance payments.
here are the links to look to, to set up your GIRO payments. Drop me a message if you need assistance with any of the below.