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Financial Advisor Manager


MAS REP No.: WS-300036281

Financial Advisory Manager

As a financial advisor, my goal is to help you achieve your financial goals and objectives. I can provide you with personalized advice on how to manage your money, create a budget, and invest wisely. I can also guide you in developing a financial plan that will help you achieve your long-term goals, such as retirement or saving for your children’s education.

I can provide guidance on a wide range of financial topics, such as:

Budgeting: I can help you create a budget that aligns with your financial goals and lifestyle. This includes looking at your income, expenses, debt, and savings to help you make the most of your money.

Investing: I can help you develop an investment strategy that’s aligned with your risk tolerance, financial goals, and time horizon. This may include investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or other investment vehicles.

Retirement planning: I can help you plan for retirement by looking at your retirement goals, estimating your retirement income needs, and creating a savings plan that will help you achieve those goals.

Insurance: I can help you understand the different types of insurance available, such as life insurance, health insurance, and disability insurance, and help you determine which policies are best suited for your needs.

my goal as a financial advisor is to help you achieve financial security and peace of mind. Whether you’re just starting out or have been investing for years, I’m here to help you navigate the complex world of finance and make informed decisions about your money.

Whether you’re just starting to build your wealth, or looking for ways to protect and grow your assets, I’m here to help you navigate the complex world of finance. With my knowledge and expertise, you can make informed decisions that will help you achieve financial success. So, feel free to ask me any questions you have, and let’s get started!

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. Million Dollar Round Table Member 2023




Years in this Industry
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Policies Managed

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Quick Insurance Comparison

Personal Accident Insurance

Travel Insurance

Motor Insurance


我今年71岁,处理保险相关事务对我来说有些吃力,但仕伟让我感到非常安心。 2019年就认识仕伟,他帮我管理我的现有保单, 梳理的时候,仔细地讲解每一个细节,确保我真正理解自己的保障范围,并给出专业的建议。 仕伟很专业,我先生过世的时候,保单的死亡索赔,也是仕伟帮我们去全程处理的,很顺利的完成. 他是真正为客户着想的好顾问,我很庆幸能遇到他。

Annie Ng (71 Years Old)


I am grateful to Louis for his patience and professionalism. As a senior client, sometimes may forget insurance policies details ,but Louis took the time to carefully review my existing policies and explain in a clear and simple way. He was always patient, even with the smallest claims, ensuring that I was well taken care of. His dedication and genuine care for his clients make him a trustworthy and reliable advisor. I have recommended him to my other 5 siblings , and also recommend to anyone looking for honest and thoughtful financial advice.

Mdm Teo Soo Guek (66 Years Old)

Senior Executive (Office Base)

Louis是专业强、且耐心的理财顾问! 他解决了我退休后的收入问题,让我和家人都感到非常安心。 耐心解答我的每一个疑问,多次上门,给我详细讲解方案细节,让我这个年纪大的人也能理解。 特别是在财富传承方面,他的建议非常实用,避免了未来可能出现的纠纷问题。 我会推荐他.

Mr Tan Boon Haw (74 years old)



Take control of your insurance by exploring our self-service options, offering autonomy and flexibility for knowledgeable individuals.

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Retirement Planning

Will I be able to retire comfortably?

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Direct Purchase Products

For those comfortable managing their own insurance needs, these are some options to purchase insurance products without the assistance of an advisor. While this provides autonomy, it’s important to note that individuals are responsible for comprehending the policy details and managing any claims processes independently.

Chubb Personal Accident Guard

Singlife Cancer Cover Plus II

TM Protect MosBite

Singlife Digital Saver II

AIA Solitaire PA (II)

Singlife CareShield Standard & Plus